While in the Outerbanks, we get to share a bed and snuggle every night. I give her a bottle at bed time every now and then (whoops) because it helps her sleep. She's sipping on her bottle staring at me right in the face. I'm obviously staring right back thinking "jeeezeee is this kid every going to close her peepers?!" . Her eyes start to get heavy and she whispers "mommeeee" in the softest most pure little voice. I respond back with "yes, baby". She goes "hiiiii" and then touches my nose. I know, it's kind of weird. But I melted. I melted real quick...right into a puddle. To hear her little whispers of "mommmee" make my heart skip a beat. I couldn't help but smile followed with a little giggle. As soon as I giggled, so did she. Sweetest giggle ever.
Now that she is learning this whole talking thing, we OFTEN get the giggles together when trying to fall asleep. I love that she thinks I'm hilarious. Probably because I know I'm not, but she totally thinks i'm the funniest person ever.
Another funny moment: After she learned what a "chip" was and could say "chippppeeee" she just says it all the time now.
We were again lying down in bed and does the usual whisper "mommeeee"?? And I say "yes Karson....." She smiles and says "chippeee!" I of course laughed. Sorry girl, no chips for you ;)
Favorite words:
Chippy (Chip)
Cowwieee (Callie)
Unca Jonnn (Uncle Jon.... she LOVES to say his name)
GAMMA (grandma)
PoppEE (Poppy)
NO! (well...what toddler doesn't love that word)
Poopeeee (I know my kid is weird, but she loves telling everyone after she's taken care of business)
Do you see the trend here? She likes to add an EEEEEE at the end of everything.
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